Chapters Bookshelf


Inside Library

The prize Diogenes gave you for passing your first test is in your hands. As you unroll the scroll, Perplexia asks, “Does this tell us what we need to know to build an ethical civilization?”

“I wish!” you reply. “I did well on my test, but it turns out the journey of discovery is much more complicated. My prize was not the answer, but a map to guide me to visit each of these colonies in order to learn about various ethical philosophies. Diogenes said many lessons will often tax my understanding. He warned me that some of the theories might conflict with my core beliefs. Other could seem radical or strange. He encouraged me to consider the theories with an open mind and evaluate both the merits and flaws of their supporting arguments. Furthermore, each journey must begin and end at our library.”

The two of you walk the short distance and enter the library. You both are amazed to find that some of the destroyed pillars are now restored as if by magic. In the middle of the library’s atrium, a lamp is shining brightly from a marble pedestal. Upon further inspection, you notice the inscription which reads: “This is the lamp of Diogenes, the founder of Cynic philosophy. A controversial yet enlightened man.”

You turn to Perplexia and say, “Now, I must now begin! Let’s review the choices.”

Peering at the map, Perplexia says, “You have Relativism Range, Utilitarian Union, Egoism Empire, Kantian Kingdom, Natural Law Nation, Social Contract Confederacy, Virtue Village, and Care Community—Wow! This is going to be a long journey, but it looks like it will be both rewarding and exciting! Diogenes said there is a carriage waiting to take you to your first destination. Please learn all you can so that we can restore the library and build an ethical community based upon everything you learn. Good luck, !” Perplexia calls as you climb into the carriage and begin your journey.