Chapters Bookshelf
The following is a list of instructions on how to accomplish a variety of tasks related to your engagement with Chapters. Each list contains step-by-step instructions, and each step may include a link. If you are having trouble with a particular step, look for a link to help you. The links will either open the resource you need in a new window, or will popup a screen shot to help direct you.

Table of Contents

The following list will walk you through registering for Chapters. You may follow it sequentially or skip to the step you are struggling with. This process should take roughly five minutes and requires only basic familiarity with how to use the internet. Once registered, you can login and immediately begin exploring the world of Chapters!
Safety Information
As always, prolonged computer use can cause eye-strain and repetitive motion injury. Please moderate the time you spend sitting, take frequent breaks, and drink lots of water.
You will need to have immediate access to the following:
Instruction Set
Either start at the beginning of this list or jump to the section you are having trouble with.
  1. In a new window or tab, navigate to
  2. Click the Register button.
  3. Fill out the registration form.
  4. Click the Submit button.
  5. If necessary, resolve any validation errors and click the "Submit" button again.
You are now successfully registered! If your issue persists, please have your instructor contact the Game Master with the error message or details of your issue.
The following list will walk you through upgrading your post-apocolyptic society. As you complete your mastery tests and earn books and FLO, you can invest these back into your society. This is an important step in your journey through Chapters. Investing in your society will allow you to generate even more FLO when you take your mastery tests. You may follow these steps sequentially or skip to the step you are struggingly with. This process should take roughly five minutes and requires only basic familiarity with how to use the internet.
Safety Information
As always, prolonged computer use can cause eye-strain and repetitive motion injury. Please moderate the time you spend sitting, take frequent breaks, and drink lots of water.
The following must be true to complete this process:
  • You must be logged in.
  • You must have at least one unspent Book.
  • You must have enough unspent FLO. The amount needed increases with each level.
Instruction Set
Either start at the beginning of this list or jump to the section you are having trouble with.
  1. In a new window or tab, navigate to the Library.
  2. Find and click the Purchase Upgrade button.
  3. The Purchase Upgrade Confirmation dialog box will display at the top of the screen. You may need to scroll up.
  4. If you have enough FLO and unapplied books, you may click the "Let's Do It" button.
  5. A message will appear confirming success.
  6. Your library will reflect a new image indicating your progress.
You are now successfully upgraded! If your issue persists, please have your instructor contact the Chapters administrator with the error message or details of your issue.
If you are having an issue with any part of the registration form, this is the list for you. You may follow it sequentially, or skip to the element you are struggling with.
  1. Verify that you have the correct form.
  2. S-Number: Enter your college-given student number. It starts with an 'S' followed by 8 numbers.
  3. Password: Choose a password that is hard to guess but easy to remember. You may choose to store it some place safe. You need your password to login, if you forget your password, your instructor will need to contact a Game Master to reset the password. The process may take 24-72 business hours.
  4. Password(retype): Retype your chosen password exactly as you typed it before. This ensures you did not accidently include a typo in your password.
  5. Alias: This will be how your classmates know you in Chapters. It must be unique. If you want to protect your privacy, do not use your real name.
  6. Your First Name: Please use your real first name here. This will be how your instructor is able track your progress, and ensures that you get credit for participation when grading time comes.
  7. Your Last Name: Again, it is important that you use your real last name, or you risk loosing credit.
  8. Course CRN: This is a 5-digit number. You can find it on your schedule in the myPPCC portal, or you may ask your instructor.
  9. Course Code: Your instructor can provide you this code.